
Legendary Vineyards, Renowned Wines

Patz & Hall makes all of its wines in a state-of-the-art winery in Sonoma designed by Winemaker James Hall. This purpose-built winery allows the Patz & Hall team complete control during every step of the winemaking process.

A vineyard with rows of grapevines stretches into the distance under a clear blue sky. Wooden posts support the grapevines, and the ground is dry with patches of grass. Hills and trees are visible in the background, creating a scenic, rural landscape.

Traditional Meets Cutting Edge

In the winery, Patz & Hall applies both traditional and cutting-edge techniques, including a unique, custom barrel program, where stave wood is air dried and seasoned for three years to Patz & Hall’s specifications by the François Frères and Seguin Moreau cooperages in the heart of Burgundy. To reveal the distinct identity of the legendary sites it works with, Patz & Hall applies a consistent winemaking approach that has been refined to underscore the finesse, depth and complexity of each vineyard.

A man with light brown hair and a beard examines a glass of red wine against the dimly lit background of a wooden wine barrel. He is wearing a dark blue vest and a shirt. The barrel features the

James Hall

Founder and Winemaker Emeritus

Since 1988 founder and winemaker James Hall has guided the Patz & Hall winemaking program, instilling it with his own boldness, imagination and trademark perfectionism.

Read James’ bio

A man with short hair, wearing a light gray button-up shirt, smiles while holding a glass of red wine. He stands in a wine cellar with wooden barrels stacked in the background. The ambiance is warm and inviting, highlighting the wine barrels behind him.

James McCeney


James McCeney has a strong global winemaking background and was hand-selected by James Hall as his successor to take the winery to new heights.

Read James’ bio

Hand Harvested

Our grapes are hand-harvested in the cool of the early morning and immediately sorted in the field. Leaves, imperfect fruit and under-ripe clusters are discarded. These hand-harvested and selected grapes are taken to the winery, where they are meticulously sorted again. The remaining fruit is immediately “whole cluster” pressed. This process produces juice containing very little tannin and preserves the delicate aromatics and full flavors of the Chardonnay fruit. While we end up with less wine this way, the quality and age-worthiness make it worth it.

After pressing, the juice, with all of the lees, is racked into 100 percent French oak barrels, where, after several days, it begins to ferment. The barrel fermentations typically progress very slowly, often finishing in early winter. This extended fermentation gives rise to wines with great depth of flavor and roundness. During this period, the wines are stirred weekly to extract the toasty, roasted aromas from the grape solids and yeast remaining in the barrel. At the same time, we top the barrels weekly to protect the wines from oxidation. All Patz & Hall Chardonnays undergo malolactic fermentation and then develop in barrel for eleven months before being bottled without filtration. The yeast particles that remain further guard the wines from oxidation, so they continue to age favorably in bottle. Gently transferred from barrel to bottle, unfiltered wines do not undergo “bottle shock,” consequently, Patz & Hall Chardonnays are delicious upon release and continue to evolve in bottle over time.

A man in a blue shirt, with one hand in his pocket, inspects grapevines in a vineyard bathed in late afternoon sunlight. He gently touches a cluster of grapes with his other hand, showing a content expression. Rows of lush green grapevines stretch out in the background.

Gentle, Yet Decisive Handling

After hand picking, the grapes are sorted both in the vineyard and at the winery. The small vineyard lots are put into open-topped fermenters designed specifically for Pinot Noir. We let the fermentation begin slowly in the cool conditions under which the fruit arrives at the winery.

All of our Pinot Noirs are produced using “whole cluster” additions. Usually, 20 percent of the clusters go directly into specially designed fermenters with no de-stemming or crushing at all. The remaining 80 percent will be carefully de-stemmed only. In this way, we allow the intricate fruit flavors and aromas of Pinot Noir to begin developing during fermentation. To further extract color and flavor components, we use a proprietary “punch-over” device to thoroughly break up the cap two to three times per day. Then, when fermentation is complete, we empty the tank with care to capture just the free run juice. The press wine is only incorporated after James evaluates it, rejecting it if it is coarse or overtly astringent.

The new wine is racked into French oak barrels where it undergoes malolactic fermentation. Oak is an important component of the finished wine, but must not overwhelm the delicately layered symphony of flavors and aromas we work so diligently to create. The percentage of new barrels varies between 50 and 70 percent and is arrived at with great deliberation.

We love making Pinot Noir! Perhaps no other wine expresses such a range of flavors—from fresh ripe berries and cherries to intriguing earthy, meaty flavors and dozens in between, all depending on the vineyard, the grower and the clone.

Clusters of dark blue grapes hang from light brown vines with green leaves partially visible in the background. The sunlight highlights the plumpness and rich color of the grapes, indicating they are ripe and ready for harvest. The scene reflects a vineyard during the grape harvest season.

Pinot Noir

A sensitive grape

Pinot Noir requires gentle yet decisive handling. Truly, only the most skilled winemakers are able to extract the full flavors of the fruit, while preserving the personality of the individual clones and allowing the terroir of the vineyard site to express itself. We focus on winemaking techniques designed to create depth, power, and drama balanced by the finesse of silky tannins and delicate layers of flavor.

Close-up of green grapes hanging from a vine with sunlight filtering through the leaves. The grapes are clustered together in bunches, and the bright light highlights the freshness of the fruit. The background is slightly blurred, emphasizing the focus on the grape clusters and the vine.


A favorite of many winemakers

Chardonnay allows the characteristics of the vineyard and vintage to be fully articulated through the craft of winemaking. From intriguing mineral flavors and wet stone aromas to lush, tropical fruit tastes, Chardonnay has a tremendous range of expression. A hallmark of the Patz & Hall winemaking program is the distinctive character of each of our Chardonnays, each beautifully rendered.